Remani Papillons
The Latest News -- 2016

January 17, 2016 - Emilie flew to Tulsa Oklahoma to pick up our newest family member, Finn. Finn is co-owned with his breeder Danae Fayard and we are super excited to have him here at Remani.

February 26th and 29th (Covered Bridge Cluster -- Albany, OR) - Ivan earns two legs of his Rally Excellent title.

February 27th (Covered Bridge Cluster -- Albany, OR) - Finn and Emilie compete in beginner puppy class (4-6 months). Winning BOB puppy and a toy group 3.

February 28th (Covered Bridge Cluster -- Albany, OR) - Finn and Danni compete in beginner puppy class (4-6 months). Winning BOB puppy and a toy group 3.

February 26th-28th (Covered Bridge Cluster -- Albany, OR) - Nola and Nessa compete and qualify for three straight days in Novice earning Nessa's CD Title. She is now
Remani's Heart of Gold CD TD RE NW-1 CGC

March 5th (Portland, OR) - Linda and Rudy passed his canine good citizen test. He is now
Remani's Gold Rush CGC

April 1st (Chintimini Kennel Club- Albany OR) - Ivan finished his Rally Excellent title with a very nice run and a score of 93. He is now:
MBISS GCHS CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy CD BN RE CGC

April 2nd and 3rd (Chintimini Kennel Club- Albany OR) - Finn competed in his first all breed dog show. He showed great and had fun. We had wonderful judges for puppies! I was looking for a positive experience and fun for Finn. We had that and more. I am excited for the future with this boy!

April 2nd (Chintimini Kennel Club- Albany OR) - Nessa and Nola picked up their custom chair. Nola asked to use our Kennel logo. It makes me very proud to have them representing Remani they are quite an accomplished team!

April 23rd (Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers - Lewiston, ID) - Finn earned his first points (A Major) in Lewiston. It was an exciting day for our baby boy! He was reserve winners dog both Sunday and Monday (Another Major) as well.

May 14th (Klamath Dog Fanciers, Klamath Falls, OR) - Finn was Winners Dog and Best Puppy for another point. So happy Emilie came with us and had a chance to show him.

May 17th (Linn County Kennel Club - Albany, OR) - David completed all tasks for his Canine Good Citizen title. He is now Semicvetik David Jacques-Louis CGC (RUS). He is such a good dog! We love him!

May 21st (Mt. Baker Kennel Club - Lynden, WA) - Finn was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for another point.

May 27th (Papillon Club of America - Louisville, KY) - Ivan was awarded his VPA title. VPA is Versatile Papillon Advanced. To be a versatile papillon the dog has to compete in multiple venues and points are awarded for each category based on the level of competition completed. Ivan's titles are from conformation, rally and obedience.

July 3rd (Mount Bachelor Kennel Club - Redmond, OR) - Ivan was back in the obedience ring. We earned our first leg in Preferred Novice, with a score of 190 and a first place. He was so happy to be back!

August 19 (Papillon Association of Puget Sound Specialty - Enumclaw, WA) - Ivan earned his first RAE leg. 1st in Excellent with a score of 95 and 1st in Advanced with a perfect score. What a fun day!

September 11 (Nosework Trial - Silverton, OR) - Nessa earned her NW2 title. She has been making things difficult, but they worked it out and qualified. She is now: Remani's Heart of Gold CD RE TD NW-2 CGC. Great job girls!

November 20th (Agility Trial - Ridgefield, WA) - At the Doberman Agility Trial Judy and Scooter went HIT for the toy group! They had another HIT the following weekend as well. Great job Team Scooter.

December 8th (Willamette Toy Dog Fanciers Toy Specialty - Ridgefield, WA) - Finn was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 3 point major. So excited for this boy. Both majors and a total of 8 points in very limited showing.