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Remani Papillons
CH Remani's Driving Miss Daisy by BonnieJean
Date of Birth 10/28/2018
CHIC # 150919
PRA1 Normal/Clear by parentage
NAD clear/normal by parentage
Bred by: Danni Peterson, Bonnie Kost & Emilie Peterson
Owned by: Anastasia Engebretson

AKC Points
Champion requirements:
Points: 20 Majors: 2
Grand Champion requirements:
Points: 0 Majors: 0
Events w/CH Defeated: 0
6 weeks

8 weeks

May 10th, 2019 Missy's first show. She was Winners Bitch for her first point. She went on to be Winners Bitch the other two days we showed. She took home 3 shiny new points her first weekend out. She's such a fun little girl.

June 30th, 2019 we had a photo shoot with Jerry and Marty Vavra. These are just a few of their beautiful photos. Missy was 8 months. It's fun to compare her to those taken of Finn at 7 months

December 18th, 2021 - Missy had a singleton sired by Thor. She was such a fun little spit fire. Her human parents have done an excellent job of training her and providing a great home. Here are a few photos of her from her 1st 12 weeks.

1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks top
6 weeks bottom

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