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The Latest News  -- 2019

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January 17-18, 2019 - (Rose City Classic, Portland, OR)  Amber's first time back in the Ring after maternity leave.  The highlight of the two days of competition was earning our first Novice B leg and winning our class in great company.  We scored a 190.  I am so pleased with my Teammate and look forward to the year ahead!

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January 17-18, 2019 - (Rose City Classic, Portland, OR)  In addition to our Novice competition we also earned 2 more legs in Rally Novice, finishing our title.  We scored 98 in both classes and earned two second places.  

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February 2nd & 3rd, 2019 - (NWODTC UKC Trial - Salem, OR) Amber competed in her first UKC Obedience Trial.  It's similar to AKC, but a few different and more challenging exercises.  On Saturday she earned her first leg with a score of 192 1/2+.  We were 2nd place following a runoff with our good friends Aria and Linda.  This adorable picture made us laugh as it appears that Aria is sulking over being 3rd place.  They are both wonderful good sports!  On Sunday we didn't qualify as we had an issue with our recall and our honor stay.  That's the fun part of obedience there is always something to work on.  We look forward to the next UKC trial!

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February 10th, 2019 - (WA)  CJ finished his Novice Agility Title.  I am so proud of this new agility team!  CJ is now  Remani's Avideius Cassius J NA.  Jenny is an amazing trainer who provides such a loving and enriched home for two of my boys.  I am so excited to see them compete sometime soon!  Yay Team CJ!!!


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February 23rd, 2019 - (Covered Bridge Cluster, Albany, OR) We had a fun and successful day.  We won our Rally Intermediate class with a 99 out of 100 points, this was our first leg.  We also completed our Beginner Novice title with a 193 out of 200 points.  So proud of my little girl!

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February 24th, 2019 - (Covered Bridge Cluster, Albany, OR) Another great day!  We had a perfect score of 100 in Rally Intermediate but placed 2nd as another team was perfecct as well but their time was 15 seconds faster than ours.  We also earned our first leg in Preferred Novice with a score of 185 and a 1st place and was High Preferred in Trial.  What a fun weekend with my little redhead and friends!

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March 16th, 2019 - (WA)  CJ finished his Novice Jumpers with weaves title.   He is now  Remani's Avideius Cassius J NA JWW.  Great job Jenny and CJ!  


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March 29, 2019 - (Chintimini Kennel Club, Albany, OR) We finished our Rally Intermediate title with a 96 and first place.  Good Girly Amber!

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March 30, 2019 - (Chintimini Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Amber earned the 2nd leg of her Novice B Title.  We had a 192 and 2nd place.  It was a fun day and we did well in a very competitive ring. 

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March 31, 2019 - (Chintimini Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Amber earned the 2nd leg of her Preferred Novice Title.  We had a 191 and won the class.  We also did an insurance leg in Rally Intermediate.  I asked Amber to finish right on one station, which she did, but it was actually a finish left.  The difference was a score of 90 and 3rd place and a perfect score and 1st place.  Reading is important :)

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April 2, 2019 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Amber performed 10 intermediate level tricks 2 times.  She did a retrieve over 20 ft delivered to my hand, carried the pumpkin basket, did the wobble board, played the musical drums, did the weaves, did three hand signals,  crawled 5 body lengths, heeled with an automatic sit, 'go to your place' - went to her bed from 10 ft away, and rang a bell on the wall.  She does everything with such enthusiasm and once she's rewarded for doing something she loves to keep doing it for you.

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April 6, 2019 - (Mt. Hood Keeshond Club, Salem, OR) We finished Amber's Preferred Novice title with a 195 1/2 and a first place.  We also did our first Rally Advanced run (which is off leash).  Amber was so good.  We had a perfect run scoring a 100 and another first place.    

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April 9, 2019 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Amber performed 10 Advanced level tricks.   She did a retrieve 15 ft over the high jump, scent discrimination (found one out of 5 articles), turned on and off a tap light, signals at a distance, 'go hide' - hid under a covered chair, picked up the credit card off the floor, retrieved money for me, leg weave while I walked, pivot around a disc and did a circle right and circle left.  She's a crazy busy girl!

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April 20th/21st, 2019 - (NWDTC, Salem, OR) A nice two day UKC trial in Salem.  I like the different challenges present in UKC.  Amber finished her UKC Novice B title with 2 first placements.  

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April 23rd, 2019 - (Baton Rouge, LA) Jax finished his Diamond in the Ruff Dog Obedience Training.  Visit his page to see more photos of him testing.  He's so cute.  I am so proud of him and his owners for starting early on obedience skills.  He is a very smart little dog and they are helping him to be the best dog he can be.  Good job Jax, Jeff and Michelle.  Geaux Jax!!!  


April 23rd, 2019 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Amber and I tested for her Canine Community Citizen skills.  She did very well.  

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April 26th, 2019 - (SWDTC, Canby, OR) Team Rudy Ruedy finished his Open title.  Such a good boy!  Now UCD Remani's Gold Rush CDX BN RA CGC TKA.  

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April 27th, 2019 - (SWDTC, Canby, OR) Amber earned her last Novice B leg, finishing her title.  

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April 26th/27th, 2019 - (SWDTC, Canby, OR) Amber worked very hard for me in Rally Advanced.  We earned her 2nd and 3rd legs finishing her RA title.    

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May 3rd and 4th, 2019 - (Canine Action Pack, Cornelius, OR) I decided to give UKC rally a try.  It was mostly for more ring experience and exposure before we head to the national at the end of the month.  We finished our title in 3 shows with scores of 99/100/98.  In the 2nd trial we were one of 5 teams receiving perfect scores and earned High in Trial.  I am so happy with Amber's performance and willingness to play all of these silly games.   UCD R01 Remani's Liquid Sunshine CD PCD BN RA CGCA TKA.  

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May 10th, 2019 - (Klamath Dog Fanciers, Klamath Falls, OR) This was Missy's first real show.  She was Winners Bitch and Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Winners.  Each of them earned 1 point.  Amber did Rally Advanced for more practice and had a 98 and 1st place.  This was our first conformation show in a long while and we had a great time.  Missy showed like she had been doing it forever and Baloux is maturing too.  

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May 11th, 2019 - (Klamath Dog Fanciers, Klamath Falls, OR)  Day 2 was the same results for us.  Missy was Winners Bitch and Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Winners.  Baloux was also Best Bred By.

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May 12th, 2019 - (Klamath Dog Fanciers, Klamath Falls, OR)  Day 3 was the same results for us.  Missy was Winners Bitch and Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Winners.  Amber and I did another RA class and earned a 88 and 2nd place.  Handler error not knowing what a sign was telling me.  Amber did it as I asked but I had it wrong.  Sorry Amber :)  What a wonderful weekend in the ring and with my loving and forever helpful husband.

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May 28th, 2019 - (Papillon Club of America, Tulsa, OK) Team Rudy earned a qualifying score in Open.  As you can see Rudy was tired from all of his travel and adventures.  I am so glad that Linda and Rudy made it to the national, and we had a wonderful time with them.

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May 28th and 29th, 2019 - (Papillon Club of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK) In the Papillon Club of Tulsa Specialties, the girls did really well.  Amber won her class both days.  Missy won the 6-9 puppy class under breeder judge Jan Paulk on the 29th.  This was the biggest class for all three shows, and what an exciting honor to win that blue ribbon under a breeder judge.

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May 30th and 31st, 2019 - (Papillon Club of America, Tulsa, OK) This is a ringside candid photo taken during the National of Missy.  She made the cut in both Sweeps and the National.  We are so proud of this baby.  She showed so well for me, and those huge classes take a long time.  4 days in a row she gave me her all, that's a lot of work for a baby!

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May 31st, 2019 - (Papillon Club of America, Tulsa, OK) Amber placed 2nd in her class at the National.  She's such a good girl.  We had high hopes of competing in obedience at the National, but she came into season so we were unable to compete.  We made the most of it anyway and had a wonderful trip!

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June 22nd, 2019 - (Clackamas Kennel Club, Canby, OR) Baloux was winners dog for another point.  A year after his first show and his first major.

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June 28th, 2019 - (Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond, OR) Missy was Winners Bitch and Baloux was Reserve Winners Dog.

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June 29th, 2019 - (Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond, OR) Missy was Reserve Winners Bitch and Baloux was Winners Dog.  Amber and I also did Rally Advanced for fun.  We earned 3rd place on  a very fun course.  We would have been 2nd with a score of 99 if I would have counted my back up steps correctly.  Good girl Amber, bad handler!

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June 30th, 2019 - (Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond, OR) Missy was Winners Bitch and Baloux was Reserve Winners Dog again. Both showed beautifully for me all weekend.  

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July 6th, 2019 - (Albany, OR) Amber passed her Canine Good Citizen Urban evaluation.  It was a fun test out and about in stores and on the streets.  We met strangers and encountered lots of crazy activity.  She passed with flying colors.

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July 12th & 13th, 2019 - (Coos Kennel Club, Bandon, OR) Missy and Baloux had a fun couple of days at the beach.  Missy was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners both days for 2 more points.  Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Opposite on Friday for another point as well.  It was beautiful at the beach one of my favorite little shows.

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July 20th, 2019 - (Portland Kennel Club, Portland, OR) Missy and Baloux had an amazing day.  Baloux took Best of Breed and Best of Breed Owner Handler over 3 very nice specials from the Bred By Exhibitor class for 2 points (1 dog short of a major!  Missy was Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite also earning 2 more points.  What a fun day it was, especially being able to spend it with Emilie. 

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July 20th, 2019 - (Portland Kennel Club, Portland, OR) Baloux's win photo with Judge Hutton.  What a memorable day with my sweet boy.  He's come so far and is growing up nicely.  This win minored him out in points he now needs 1 major to finish his championship.

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July 21st, 2019 - (Portland Kennel Club, Portland, OR) Missy was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for another 2 points.  She is just shy of 9 months and is also minored out.  She now needs to earn her major wins to finish her championship.  We are all very proud of this fun and feisty little girl.  We really look forward to her future.

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August 16th, 2019 - (Papillon Club of Puget Sound Specialty, Enumclaw, WA) Missy wins Best in Specialty Sweepstakes in a beautiful line up of puppies.  So proud of this fun girl.  I enjoyed watching Emilie and her in the ring.  She also took reserve winners bitch on Sunday to a 4 point major.

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August 25th, 2019 - (Ridgefield, WA) Team Rudy finished their Novice Jumpers Title in agility.  I hear that he's really getting the hang of the agility game, and I really hope to watch a competition soon.  Congratulations Linda and Rudy!!

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September 14th, 2019 - (Flathead Kennel Club, Great Falls, MT ) Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 3 point major.  This finished his Championship.  Baloux is my second Bred By Champion with all points being earned out of the Bred By classes.  He is also the first of my dogs that I completely finished on my own.

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September 14th - 17th, 2019 - (Flathead Kennel Club, Great Falls, MT ) Baloux was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 3 point major. He also showed 2 more days in Best of Breed as a new Champion and was Select Dog Both days earning a couple points and 2 champion defeats all towards his Grand Champion Title.

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September 14th - 17th, 2019 - (Flathead Kennel Club, Great Falls, MT ) Missy won the competitive Bred By class twice and was 2nd once.  Two of those times she was also reserve winners to a 3 point major.  So close, we are very please with how this young girl is maturing.

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September 21st, 2019 - (American Eskimo Dog Assoc. of OR, St Helens, OR ) Baloux  was Best Male, and Best of Breed at the 1st UKC show of the day and went on to earn  Companion Group 4.  He is almost done with his UKC Championship.

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September 21st, 2019 - (American Eskimo Dog Assoc. of OR, St Helens, OR ) Missy  was Best Female, and Best of Breed at the 2nd UKC show of the day.  She also earned a Companion Group 2.  This was her 1st UKC show, she is off on a great start to her UKC Championship.

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October 12th and 13th, 2019 - (Boise, ID ) Joy and Hazel earned her first points.  She was Winners Bitch both days.  I am so proud of Team Joy, they really haven't shown very many times, but they are a great team!

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October 26th, 2019 - (Papillon Club of Columbia River - Ridgefield, WA) Wiloh, was Best Veteran in Sweeps, Best Veteran in Specialty and Select Bitch over a lovely group of younger Specials.  Thank you to Breeder Judge Marilyn Van Vliet.  It was a wonderful and fun day and Wiloh was so happy to be back in the ring again!

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October 27th, 2019 - (Papillon Club of Columbia River - Ridgefield, WA) Wiloh, was Best Veteran in Specialty and received an Award of Merit over a lovely group of specials.  Thank you to Breeder Judge Linda Fitzmaurice.  What a fun weekend with my very first Bred By Champion playing in the breed ring again.  She was so happy!

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November 29th, 2019 - (Greater Clark Co Kennel Club - Ridgefield, WA) Team Rudy Ruedy earned the last leg of his Open Standard title.  Baby sister Aria earned her Novice Jumpers title too.  Was so fun to watch Linda and her dogs compete, she's such an inspiration to me.

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December 1st, 2019 - (Greater Clark Co Kennel Club - Ridgefield, WA)  Amber and I had our first qualifying score in Open.  We had a 195 1/2 tying for first, but we lost in the run off and placed second in our class.  I am so proud of how she's doing.

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December 16th, 2019 - (Midlothian, TX ) Dinky earned her CGC.  I am so proud of her and Linda.  This little girl has a strong will and Linda has worked so hard and accomplished so much with her.  Go Team Dinky!!!  Remani's Heart Light CGC

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December 29th, 2019 - (Palmetto, FL) Zoom made his debut in agility.  He did a great job navigated and trained so well by Beth Rogers.  He earned his Novice Jumpers With Weaves Title and 2 legs of his Novice Standard Title.  Each with a first place in his class. I am so excited to watch these two at the national in a few short months!  Go Team Zoom!  Remani's Catch Me If You Can NAJ.

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December 29th, 2019 - (Silken Wind Hounds NY Eve Bash, Ridgefield, WA) Amber was Best female and reserve best female twice finishing her UKC Championship.  What a nice way to finsh out the year.  She is now UKC CH UCD UR01 Remani's Liquid Sunshine CD PCD BN RA CGCA CGCU TKA.

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