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The Latest News  -- 2015

January 4, 2015 - What a way to start the New Year, Jo and Tyce take BOB and a Group 1 at the Ashford, Faversham & District show.  Inching much closer to that SH CM title. 

January 10, 2015 - Tyce takes BOB and a Group 4 at Buckinghamshire CS.

February 1, 2015 - History Made!  Jo and Tyce took BOB and a Group 1 at East Kent CS under Judge Mr. Darwin Martin.  This finished Tyce's Title making him Remani's So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons SH CM.  The first US imported Papillon to acheive this title!  So proud of Jo and our boy (now her boy)!

February 7, 2015 - Tyce wins BOB and a Group 3 at the Rugby show.

April 17th > 20th (Lewiston, ID) -  Wiloh's first shows in more than 8 months were very successful.  She took one Best Opposite and 3 selects for 2 majors and a total of 10 Grand points.

April 25th & 26th (Walla Walla, WA) - Tyndall earns her first points.  She was BOW, BOS over a special, and Best Bred By on Saturday and WB and BOS over a special on Sunday.  These were her 5th and 6th shows.

April 31- May 3rd (South Jordan Utah) -  Wiloh took two selects for two more majors and finished her GCH.  On the 3rd Tyndall won the bred by class and took RWB to a major.  It was an exciting weekend.  Wiloh's brother Justin also took WD two days earning his first major.  He is very close to finishing his championship too.  Congratulations to his owner and my good friend Kathy Hinds!

April 12th (Eugene, Oregon at the Emerald Dog Obedience Club's tracking dog test) - Nessa earns her TD title in style.  The judges called her the "Dog of the Day"  as she was the fastest to finish the course of all dogs entered.  Congratulations to Nola and Nessa!  You two are such a great team!  Nessa is now Remani's Heart of Gold RE TD CGC

May 2nd (United Kingdom) -  Tyce earns his Kennel Club Good Citizen Certificate.  Such a good boy, we are so proud of all Jo has done with him in such a short time.

May 3rd (South of England Papillon Club)  - Tyce wins BOB Dog and goes on to be RBIS.  Great job Tyce and congratulations to Jo for such a nice win!

May 9th and 10th (Klamath Falls, OR)  -  The mother daughter team of Wiloh and Tyndall had a great weekend.  Wiloh was BOB both days and BOH on Saturday.  Tyndall was WB and BOW on Saturday and WB and Best Bred By on Sunday.  What a great weekend!

June 6th (Salem, Oregon) - Nessa made her first attempt at her Nosework 1 Title.  She is the speed demon, but needs to slow down and focus.  Out of 4 elements she took 1st place in Interiors with a 9.3 second run, and received a pronounced on Exteriors.  She didn't get her title, but she shows promise and they now know what they need to work on.  It's so nice to see the versatility of the dogs I've bred.  Thank you Nola for all your hard work with Nessa and for the enriched life you have given her! 

June 27th & 28th (Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond, Oregon) - Tyndall was Winners Bitch both Saturday and Sunday and Best of Opposite Sex on Sunday for two more points towards her championship.

June 26th & 28th (Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club, Redmond, Oregon) - Ivan and I entered our very first companion event.  We started in Rally Novice A and in two tries earned our first two legs with scores of 100 and 96 and two class wins.  We are really enjoying our new adventures.

July 5th (Coos Kennel Club, Bandon, Oregon) - Tyndall was Winners Bitch under breeder judge Cec Ringstrom for her 7th point.  We love this fun little show and the beaches!

July 7th, 2015 (Linn County Fair Grounds) - Ivan earned his Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title.  He is now MBISS GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy CGC.

July 11th, 2015- (Papillon Butterfly Dog Club Show - UK) Judge Mr. Rodney Oldham awarded Tyce Open Dog, Best Dog and Best in Specialty Show.  There were a total of 78 entries.  Congratulations to Jo on a wonderful day with a number of class wins and a BIS!!  Tyce and his favorite girl Saffy also won Best Brace.  Tyce is now BISS Remani's So You Think You Can Dance Spinillons SH CM.

July 18th, 2015 (PDOC Obedience, Portland) - Ivan and I completed our first leg of his BN title with a score of 193 and a first place.

July 19th, 2015 (Suffolk, UK) - Tyce and Jo had another great day with a BOB and Group 2.  He is pictured here with Colt who also had an amazing day winning BP and a puppy group 1!  They are looking very happy in the wind!  Congratulations Jo!! 

July 19, 2015 (Stumptown in Portland, OR) - Ivan earns his final leg for his RN with a score of 96.  96 was good enough for 3rd place.  It was a fun day with great competition.  We finished the title in 3 tries and scores of 100/96/96!  He is now MBISS GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy RN CGC.

August 8th, 2015 (NW Trial - Creswell, OR) - Nessa earns her NW-1(Nose Work 1) title.


In addition to earning her NW-1 title, she took 2nd place in Vehicles with a time of  00:13:95 seconds.  She also earned her three P's (Pronounced designations) in Containers, Vehicles, and Interior.  Receiving a pronounced is very good as it means the judges thought Nola and Nessa worked well as a team.  They needed one more P in Exterior to have been awarded a ribbon.  What a great day for them and a huge improvement they made since their first attempt.  Nola says that Nessa is a "Do Anything Dog"!  They hope to earn their NW-2 title soon, but trials are very limited in entries and it may take a while to get into another.  Great work girls!  Nessa is now Remani's Heart of Gold RE TD NW-1 CGC.

August 14th, 2015 (PAPS Specialty Enumclaw, WA) - Ivan earned the final leg of his Beginner Novice title with a score of 187 1/2 and a first place.  He also earned the first leg of his Rally Advanced title with a score of 89.  He is now MBISS GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy BN RN CGC.

August 29th and 30th, 2015 (Longview Kennel Club, St. Helens, OR) - Saturday Tyndall was Winners Bitch for 2 points and is officially minored out.  Also on Saturday Ivan earned the first leg of his CD title with a score of 184 and his second RA leg with a score of 74 (barely passing due to his silly handler).  On Sunday we improved with his second Novice leg with a score of 187.

September 12th, 2015 (Timberland Dog Fanciers, Centralia, WA) - Ivan earned the final leg of his Rally Advanced title with a score of 96 and a first place.  He is now MBISS GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy BN RA CGC.

September 19th, 2015 (Gig Harbor Kennel Club, Bremerton, WA) - Ivan earned the final leg of his Novice title.  He is now MBISS GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy CD BN RA CGC.

December 3rd, 2015 (Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty.  Ridgefield, WA) - Roxie was Best Veteran in Specialty Show.  She is eleven years young.

December 4th, 2015 (Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty.  Ridgefield, WA) - Roxie was Best Veteran in Sweeps and Best Veteran in Specialty Show. 

November 25th, 2015 (Flight from Moscow to LAX, followed by a flight from John Wayne to PDX) - David had a long couple of travel days but has never missed a beat.  He fit right in and is a happy and enjoyable dog.  We look forward to his future here at Remani.  Special thank you to Susan Bleckley and Andy Linton for helping David get to us!  So grateful for good dog people!

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